Back to School, folks!

By Andrew Hopton


It’s that time of year again

All over the UK*, schools are opening their doors after the summer break. Whether you were lucky enough to get the holiday time away from work, or just had the pleasure of working in a blissfully empty site for a few weeks, I think I can probably guess how you’re feeling about the ensuing chaos right about now.

*With sympathies to our customers in Scotland, who have already been back for 2 weeks.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to fill you in on how summer has been for us here at VeryPC, and what we’re looking forward to over the next few months.

Our summer

Summer at VeryPC was, in a word, busy. Each year, a large portion of our education customers choose, with good reason, to have their new equipment delivered during the summer holidays, so it’s always our busiest time. Factor in that we’ve once again had our most successful year of trading ever and it adds up to a mammoth seasonal operation for our team. Trend-wise, this year we saw a large upswing in demand from education for high performance workstations for design and development learning (more on this in a future blog post).

We’ve grown too. It’s inevitable that we had to get bigger to deal with all the extra work, because things have been busier all year round, not just during the summer. Since last summer, we’ve added new staff in all our departments: production, technical, accounts, sales and marketing. Things do begin to quiet down a little after the summer though, so we’re about to take all our staff out for a well-deserved team feast to say “thank you” (believe me, they have earned it).

Looking ahead

So, what’s in the offing for the next few months? Well, we expect our most popular products to continue to be in demand. The tiny, VESA mountable Flex Micro, with its tidy cable shroud, has been a runaway success with schools, and that looks set to continue. Both desktop and mobile workstations are likely to be a big hit, given an increase in coding and development courses. This term also sees the return of a customer favourite, The VeryPC Ultrabook S. You can be sure that this beautiful aluminium unibody wonder will sell like the old proverbials, so if you like what you see, give your account manager a call right now.

Our managed services are another area of growth for the company. UK organisations are following a trend of externalising certain aspects of their IT to managed and cloud services. In particular, we’re seeing high demand for infrastructure supportdigital security and backup/disaster recovery. Many businesses and educational establishments are taking advantage of the excellent value VeryPC offer in these areas.

Now I’m afraid that we can’t delay the inevitable any longer. Whilst I’d love to stay and chat all day, I’ve got a company to run, and I bet those corridors are already starting to fill with the clamour of the new school year. So go on, stop reading this and get back to work.

Before you go though, I just want to pass on the best wishes of the whole VeryPC team. May this year be filled with fun and success for you, your colleagues and your students.


P.S. How was your summer? Did you get all your pre-term jobs done? If you need help sorting out your ICT for this term, just give our helpful team a shout ►

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