Working from Home Phishing Emails on the Rise

By Edmond Egan


With cyber and phishing attacks having increased significantly throughout the ongoing pandemic, alongside our partners KnowBe4, we thought we’d talk you through some of the most common “tricks” that we're currently seeing from those pesky cybercriminals.

Having recently released its latest quarterly report, KnowBe4 has identified the topmost clicked phishing email subjects which people have most commonly fallen victim too. It’s important to remember that whilst your users and colleagues are working from home, all it takes is once small distraction to let their guard down. Whether it’s children, pets or even the television in the background – the wrong click can leave your school or business at risk from a cyber attack.

Hackers continue to Prey on a Remote Workforce

Phishing email attacks leveraging COVID-19 were on every quarterly report from KnowBe4 in 2020, but there were not as many at the top of the list in Q4 as in previous quarters. However, they have still seen a lot of subjects related to working remotely as well as security-related notifications.

Dismissing Social Media as a Phishing Concern

There’s been a pattern of fake LinkedIn messages topping the KnowBe4 report for the past three years. There is likely a perception that these emails are legitimate because they appear to be coming from a professional network. It's a significant problem because many LinkedIn users have their accounts tied to their corporate email addresses. Top-clicked subjects in this category reveal password resets, tagging of photos and new messages. 

Top 10 General Email Subjects in Each Category for Last Quarter:

If you think something doesn’t add up or there’s even the tiniest of doubts in your head then it’s so important not to click that link or enter sensitive information into a webpage.

As a proud KnowBe4 partner, here at VeryPC we work alongside them to provide you with the best solution to protect against phishing attacks and train your staff to be more vigilant. Security awareness training software is proven to change user’s behaviour and it's something we use right here in-house at VeryPC.  

Contact our in-house specialists now before its one click too late.
T: 0114 321 8609

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